Interface MermaidConfig

interface MermaidConfig {
    altFontFamily?: string;
    arrowMarkerAbsolute?: boolean;
    block?: BlockDiagramConfig;
    c4?: C4DiagramConfig;
    class?: ClassDiagramConfig;
    darkMode?: boolean;
    deterministicIDSeed?: string;
    deterministicIds?: boolean;
    dompurifyConfig?: any;
    er?: ErDiagramConfig;
    flowchart?: FlowchartDiagramConfig;
    fontFamily?: string;
    fontSize?: number;
    gantt?: GanttDiagramConfig;
    gitGraph?: GitGraphDiagramConfig;
    htmlLabels?: boolean;
    journey?: JourneyDiagramConfig;
    legacyMathML?: boolean;
    logLevel?: string | number;
    maxEdges?: number;
    maxTextSize?: number;
    mindmap?: MindmapDiagramConfig;
    pie?: PieDiagramConfig;
    quadrantChart?: QuadrantChartConfig;
    requirement?: RequirementDiagramConfig;
    sankey?: SankeyDiagramConfig;
    secure?: string[];
    securityLevel?: string;
    sequence?: SequenceDiagramConfig;
    startOnLoad?: boolean;
    state?: StateDiagramConfig;
    theme?: string;
    themeCSS?: string;
    themeVariables?: any;
    timeline?: TimelineDiagramConfig;
    wrap?: boolean;
    xyChart?: XYChartConfig;


altFontFamily?: string
arrowMarkerAbsolute?: boolean

Controls whether or arrow markers in html code are absolute paths or anchors. This matters if you are using base tag settings.

block?: BlockDiagramConfig
c4?: C4DiagramConfig
class?: ClassDiagramConfig
darkMode?: boolean
deterministicIDSeed?: string

This option is the optional seed for deterministic ids. If set to undefined but deterministicIds is true, a simple number iterator is used. You can set this attribute to base the seed on a static string.

deterministicIds?: boolean

This option controls if the generated ids of nodes in the SVG are generated randomly or based on a seed. If set to false, the IDs are generated based on the current date and thus are not deterministic. This is the default behavior.

This matters if your files are checked into source control e.g. git and should not change unless content is changed.

dompurifyConfig?: any
er?: ErDiagramConfig
flowchart?: FlowchartDiagramConfig
fontFamily?: string

Specifies the font to be used in the rendered diagrams. Can be any possible CSS font-family. See

fontSize?: number
gantt?: GanttDiagramConfig
gitGraph?: GitGraphDiagramConfig
htmlLabels?: boolean
journey?: JourneyDiagramConfig
legacyMathML?: boolean

This option specifies if Mermaid can expect the dependent to include KaTeX stylesheets for browsers without their own MathML implementation. If this option is disabled and MathML is not supported, the math equations are replaced with a warning. If this option is enabled and MathML is not supported, Mermaid will fall back to legacy rendering for KaTeX.

logLevel?: string | number

This option decides the amount of logging to be used by mermaid.

maxEdges?: number

Defines the maximum number of edges that can be drawn in a graph.

maxTextSize?: number

The maximum allowed size of the users text diagram

mindmap?: MindmapDiagramConfig
pie?: PieDiagramConfig
quadrantChart?: QuadrantChartConfig
requirement?: RequirementDiagramConfig
sankey?: SankeyDiagramConfig
secure?: string[]

This option controls which currentConfig keys are considered secure and can only be changed via call to mermaidAPI.initialize. Calls to mermaidAPI.reinitialize cannot make changes to the secure keys in the current currentConfig.

This prevents malicious graph directives from overriding a site's default security.

securityLevel?: string

Level of trust for parsed diagram

sequence?: SequenceDiagramConfig
startOnLoad?: boolean

Dictates whether mermaid starts on Page load

state?: StateDiagramConfig
theme?: string

Theme, the CSS style sheet. You may also use themeCSS to override this value.

themeCSS?: string
themeVariables?: any
timeline?: TimelineDiagramConfig
wrap?: boolean
xyChart?: XYChartConfig

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